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It’s been quite some time since I’ve been here, and I’m not going to pretend like I’m here of my own sheer willpower and proactiveness.

No, it’s because of COVID-19.

…but let’s be real. The virus shifted priorities onto what I really should be doing to propel my career forward and I’ve been able to do a few things to get my work out to a wider audience. I taught myself the streaming software OBS so I could record my Pro Tools edit timelines to picture to give a better sense of how I layout my workflow. I think it gives more transparency to what I’m doing in the DAW itself rather than people just hearing the finished product.

I also submitted a composition entry for the Westworld Spitfire Audio Scoring Composition Competition (now say that 5 times fast!) which you can check out below!

I’m going to continue to drop timeline videos and work on revamping some old personal projects to compare myself to my old work.

Stay tuned! Thanks for bearing with me.
