The Great Unknown

I sit here in bed in a hotel in New York city, probably one of my favorite places of all time, during spring break; I would easily regard myself as a city boy. I sit here and think about the possibilities of where my life will take me in the next year.

I literally do not have a clue where I’ll be in a year from now, but I do know I will sure as hell update when that time comes.

Next quarter is going to be an awesome one: microecon and a class solely devoted to writing my thesis coupled with the traditional music obligations. So far the unofficial title is called “Perceiving diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in interactive media,” Where ‘interactive media’ is just another smart word for video games. I want to study what people listen to while playing their games of choice, and how that affects their style of play or performance. The subject itself is pretty out there, and is honestly one of the reasons why I chose to write about it.

I loathed staying within the norm anyways, it’s just the type of person I am I suppose.

I worked pretty damn hard this past quarter, and will pride myself on that. My recital is done, and went successfully despite the consistent fears of doubt towards myself. I pitched the idea of acoustical engineering to the engineering school, and I know for a fact that they will take the idea with a grain of salt. I’ve recently begun a new endevour to save the 1 staff’d, 3 class’d music tech program here. The dean is somehow very anti music tech, or at least she doesn’t regard it as a main priority (focusing more on contemporary music and expanding that program rather than technology). It saddens me greatly that in this age of technology the school tries to refute it rather than embrace it. Therefore I will fight, as always, against the insurmountable odds of administration for something I believe in.

I’ve always been a fighter; I’ve always been the underdog, that part of me will never ever change.

On the recreational side, I made the script for a comic based on the ideas of Kierkegaard’s theories of existentialism that is pretty cool…and for sure I will post it once I’ve pitched it to Dark Horse comics. Please excuse the delay: I’m somewhat paranoid of IP theft in this day and age. I really need to update my sound and writing portfolios and make a real domain name for this site. I believe everything should lock nicely into place this summer provided I have the time.

Speaking of summer and of the future: what the hell. I have no clue if I got into any of the internships I applied for; I have no idea whether I’ll be staying in Evanston or Palo Alto, Irvine or Chicago, Stanford or New York. Everything is fickle at this moment in time, and teeters on the edge of a knife (sorry for the cliche metaphor, I can’t help myself sometimes). I provided at least some self-resolve with three potential options for my future:

1) Grad School
2) Internship/Job, or a combination of the two (or multiple)
3) Become a ski bum

Option 3 is looking very desirable right now, I will say that.

More to come as it develops,