First Post

Welcome to my blog dedicated to art, music, stories, and various types of media.  I will be posting thoughts on subjects and ideas pertaining to the above with at least some frequency.  Personally, I’m not a huge fan of long reads so I’ll try and make my posts succinct but relevant.

Let me begin by explaining the title of this site.  What is a Bard?  In medieval times, a bard was originally a poet hired or employed by a patron (think noble or king status) to commemorate and praise their actions.  However, the idea of the bard sort of changed through the 18th and 19th centuries.  A bard became more of a general term for an artist who could sing, compose poetry, and tell magnificent stories of epic proportion.

The reason why I coin myself as sort of a “modern bard,” is because I’m a musician and a writer, but focus on the modern aspects of sound and sound design within media.  I create my own music electronically (and sometimes play it, I am a Tuba performance major), and really enjoy writing small fantasy stories.

What I hope eventually to collect is a large set of thoughts dedicated to musicology, sound design and technology, video game design, and story creation.  Anyone is free to join the roller coaster at anytime. :)

Over and out,